
Пейзажи Хайдаркана

Фотоальбомы Хайдарканцев


Архив школьных фотографий

Из истории Хайдаркана


Видео Aрхив

Аудио Архив
Архив сайта
Кадамжай Кадамджай Сурьмяный комбинат Ферганская долина
е-майл сайта














Ferghana Valley

  in the former Soviet Union, has also experienced a
signifiant “brain drain” of skilled workers, who have
left for better opportunities elsewhere. And beyond
every calculation of survival there looms the reality of
the upcoming negotiation of a global legally binding
instrument on mercury that will include provisions to
reduce the global supply of and demand for mercury.
However, there is loyal and strong support for the kombinat by the population in and around Khaidarkan.
Kyrgizstan map





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