the Khaidarkan
Business Incubator, funded by the EU
has been set up to support such activities.
The overall
volume is however still quite low. Another
initiative is the
UN-facilitated Batken regional development
programme which also
has potential to create alternative jobs for
the Khaidarkan community, especially
for women and
disabled people. It facilitates farmer
cooperatives, improves agricultural
processing capacities and marketing
of local products. |
In order to
create alternative livelihoods to primary
mercury mining, a combined approach of
industrial and
small-scale economic activities is probably
the most suitable. For both, investment by
private investors and the
government will be required. Areas
for engagement will
comprise analysis, refurbishment, market
training, and related activities before
actual business can
be started. This will require a wide range
of support that
Kyrgyzstan itself will fid difficult to
provide alone. |